Happy Reading!

"Wh.. when did yo.. you come ba.. back?" Arohi asked in her soft voice. She was biting her lips.

"Yes" Abhishek said looking at her pink lips.

Arohi was confused with his answer so with much courage she asked "Yes? I asked when did you come back"

Abhishek came out of his trance, running his fingers through his hairs. He mind cursed himself for behaving like a fucking teenager. He cleared his throat and replied "Why? Do I need to take your permission before coming back to my house?" he said in his all time rude tone

Arohi rolled her eyes at his statement, making him furious. "Don't you dare roll you eyes on me Mrs. Mehra" He took step towards her, making her take a step back until her back hit the kitchen slab. He caged her between the kitchen slab and whispered near her ears, his breath hitting her skin "Your husband came after so many days so you should take care off him. But here you are asking questions" 

Abhishek was way too close to Arohi. Her heart was beating too fast and her face turned red. She shivered visibly when he whispered those words in her ears. She composed herself and replied "You went for work not for some war that I should take care of you"

"This sassy mouth of yours will get you in trouble someday" he said in his husky voice.

"Mind to step back? I have to prepare dinner" she said changing the topic. He chuckled and stepped back. Arohi went back to making dinner.

"Why are you cooking? And where is Mrs. Annie?" he questioned.

"She went back home" 

"What do you mean she went home" he checked his wrist watch "Her shift is not over yet"

She sighed and turned to his direction "Yes but there was no work. Only I was there and I can cook for myself. So I told her to leave early. Any more questions?" she said in one go.

"What? Who gave you the right to rule over my staff huh?" he roared.

"What's wrong with him" Arohi thought.

Arohi started at him in disbelief. "Ho gaya aapka?" she asked (Are you done?)

He raised his brows at her question. "I am making rajma-rice for myself. If you want you can have it or else feel free to order online" she continued cooking.

"Food must be good or else.." he was cut in between by Arohi "Else what? What will you do? Kill me? Hit me? Tell me what will you do" she lashed out at him.

"Is this the way you behave with you husband?" he roared.

"If the husband is jerk then YES" she said with a mocking smile.

"Mind you language Mrs. Mehra. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior" he glared at her "Neither will I" she glared back.

Abhishek left the kitchen without any word. Her behavior irked him. He went to his room and took a cold water shower, to clam his anger. Her messy state and her flushed face when they were close, flashed in front of his eyes again and again. 

"God my brain has gone crazy" he mumbled


Arohi's POV:

I never loose my temper this easily. But this man urghhhhh. He triggers me too much. I don't understand what's wrong with him. If he wants to say something can't he say from afar, why does he have to come close? I will go crazy because of him.

I am done preparing rajma-rice. Now I am preparing roti for him. Since our marriage I have got to know about his schedules and likes and dislikes. 

I washed my hand and set the table. Now I am waiting for my devil husband. Yeah I call him that, because he is DEVIL. 

"I am not going to call him for dinner. Why should I? He will come himself" I shrugged and surfed my phone.  

He came after 10 minutes, which seemed like a decade to me. What took him so long to come downstairs? 

"Oh so my wifey is waiting for me for dinner, how lucky I got" he said dramatically to which I just rolled my eyes and served him.

 "I do have something called etiquette" I said with an uninterested tone.

I served his plate and got back to my seat. We ate food in silence. He didn't say anything about the food. Thank god! I don't want to listen to his taunts anymore. I was so happy without having any conversation with him. If he says anything I am not gonna back off, I will retort.


I washed the dishes and cleaned everything, all the while Mr. Mehra was watching T.V in the living room.

I came out and saw him pressing his temples. He looks so tired. I know he had been doing work non-stop. Wait! Why am I thinking about him and why am I worried about him?

Because he's your husband! My inner soul mocked and I rolled my eyes mentally.

I made a coffee for him. He's a complete jerk no doubt but he's a human being, and no matter what I say, he's my husband. (I sighed)

I went near him and he looked at me and then I forwarded him the coffee. He gave me a confused look.

"You look tired. It might hel.." he didn't let me complete and took the muh from me "Thanks. I needed it" he said without looking at me.

OMG! Abhishek Mehra said thank you to me. Today definitely is a lucky day. Firstly he ate the food made by me, without arguing much. And now the coffee.

'Did he hit his head somewhere while he was out? Or is the real Mr. Mehra kidnapped and he's some clone?'

"I didn't hit my head anywhere and I'm not a clone" he replied to my unsaid question making my eyes wide.

'Did I say it out loud?'

"Yes very loud" he whispered and then laughed making me all embarrassed.

He's laughing. He looks so hot and handsome while laughing. He looks so carefree. I can see some tear drop on the side of his eyes because of laughing.

Seeing him laugh, I don't know when a smile made it's way on my face.

He looked up in my direction and straight into my eyes. He stopped laughing but didn't break the eye contact.

My heart is going all wild. I never realised how beautiful his orbs are. They are just like his mother.

We were lost in each other when suddenly his phone rang breaking out contact. We looked here and there, it's so fucking awkward.

He picked up the call and I ran into my room, closing the door behind and leaning into it. My heartbeat is breaking so frantically.

Ignoring everything I changed into my clothes and went to sleep. But all I can think is about his laughs and his eyes. They're coming in front of my eyes again and again...

To be continued...

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