Happy Reading!

Abhishek's POV:

It's Sunday today and Ritika & Varun has come to Mehra Mansion with their chaotic fight. Maa papa and Nikhil are also here. It's good to have them all here. But there is still a void. My wife is not here.

Moments like this, when everyone is here, the loneliness is even more. It reminds me of the of her birthday. It was the same, everyone was so happy. Arohi was beaming with happiness. But the best day of our life, turned into the worst day. The bliss the earlier night bought turned into misery the other.

I know I did wrong to her, but what was her fault? Why did she have to go through all that? God was punishing me for my deeds, but she became the victim of all this. God didn't do right by hurting the pure soul.

"Jeeju I am going to kill this useless cheater friend of yours" my trans broke. Oh so I again zoned out

"What seriously? You are such a cheater Ritika" Varun narrowed his eyes at her

"How dare you call me cheater huh"

"You cheated, you already saw the cards Ritika ji"

"Oh shut up I didn't. You did"

"Guyssss! Can you for once not fight?" I asked only to be glared at.

"Let's start a new game ok" we are playing UNO cards.

The new game stared and these two are still fighting. They love each other clearly but some things never change. These two certainly won't. They remind me of me and her, even we used to fight but at a certain point we used to stop for peace, but these two never do it. They just know how to fight that's all.

"What would you all like to eat for snacks" mom asked dismissing their banter.

"Mac and cheese aunty. You make the best mac after Aru di" Nikhil said and everyone looked at me. Their eyes held concern.

"Yes mom even I want to eat mac and cheese" I said getting up with a smile "Call me when it's ready, I need to make a call" and went away.

"Nikhil can't you watch your tongue huh, you know how difficult it is for Abhi" maa scolded Nikhil in a low voice. I want to tell her it's not his fault, afterall Arohi is his sister, so it is normal of him to remember her.

"Sorry mom, I will apologize to jeeju"

"No beta it's okay, he will be fine in some time" dad replied.

I reached my room and closed the door. I just laid down on the bed and looked at Arohi's picture. How do I tell her I miss her? How do I tell her my love for her only increased tenfold all these years? How do I tell her to come back? How do I trace her back? I want her back here, in my life, in my house, in my room, and in my arms.

I felt something salty and then realized that I am crying. I used to cry very rarely but ever since she left, I have cried every night. I just want her, no one else. She is the peace of my mind. My solace. My everything.

Varun tried to set me up with some girls, but they were not Arohi. And I will never cheat on her. She already thinks that I cheated on her and left me, I can't let that thing to turn out reality. I can never.

If there is even a percent chance that I will get her back then I can't loose that chance. And certainly I won't let her leave me again because she thinks I cheated on her. Neither I cheated on her in past, nor I am going to do in future. She is it for me. For this and all the seven lives.

There was a knock on my door and next moment Nikhil entered the room. I wiped my tears but whom am I kidding. "I miss her too" he sat on the bed and took her frame. He smiled bittersweet. Longing can be seen in his eyes.

"I am sorry jeeju, I didn't mean to upset you. But I couldn't control myself from remembering her" he looked up with guilt.

"Why are you sorry. Before my wife, she is your sister. It's natural for you and everyone to remember her. She is a part of us, a part of me. So never apologize for remembering your sister" a tear dropped from his eye and I wiped it with my thumb.

"Please find her jeeju. I miss her a lot. I promise I won't trouble her. I will be a good brother. Just bring her back please" he broke into tears and hugged me.

"We will get her back soon Nikhil. God can't be this harsh on us. He will give her back to us" I tried to keep my tears back but it's her we are talking about..

"Come let's go. Mac and cheese must be ready right"

"Yeah" he smiled. We made ourselves presentable and went downstairs.

"Abhi come see it's ready" mom chirped to lighten the mood. I smiled and kissed her forehead then settled on my chair.

"Mm aunty it's too good" Ritika moaned and Varun gawked at her. I elbowed him or else she would kick him right away.

"Keep yourself in check pervert" I whispered and he rolled his eyes.

Everyone chatted while having the snacks. Ritika told us about how bitchy her boss is. Her face gave away the fact that she hated her, but is left with no choice than to work.

Dinner was made by Ritika, after a lot of persuasion. She made really good food. Everyone praised her and dadu even gifted her a bracelet. She was smiling like a child.

After that everyone left and I departed for my room. My phone ringed and I picked up the call "Hello?"

"Sir the clients agreed to our terms. We need to leave for London for the further proceedings. Should I get the jet ready?" My secretary asked.

"Do the arrangements for this Wednesday " today is Sunday, I p will have to settle everything before leaving.

"Ok sir" she hung up the call.

I don't know why I am having this strange feeling in the name of London. I have been to London twice during these years but this time I feel something different. As if there is something in there that's pulling me towards it. Maybe it's the lack of sleep or workload.

Let's see what London has for me. This deal is really important for our company. I can't let anything ruin this. I have a lot on my plate. This needs to be go smoothly. And maybe this London trip will help me loose a little. A little escape.

To be continued...

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