Part 45

Happy Reading!

Arohi's POV:

"Arohi have you finalized the material of the dresses" Leia asked

"Yeah. Wait let me show you" luckily the material is with me only.

I show her the fabrics and check it very carefully.

"These 4 are good. But this one is not good, try to find another one dear. Is it possible to start the sewing from today? We already have less time with us. The show is next week itself" she said in her all time polite tone. I wish everyone gets a boss like her.

"For the material, I will bring it to you. And for sewing, we can start. I will myself assist the seamstresses for the stitching part"

"Oh that would be great but don't overwork okay. Because of work don't forget you have got kids at home" she pats my cheeks lovingly. Almost everyone here loves the twins.

"Yeah sure" she leaves and I make my way towards the fabric room.

It took me really long time to find the fabric. Ughhh I so badly want a coffee. Taking the fabric I go to Leia and luckily this time she liked the material.

I go to the break room to make coffee. I feel a presence behind me so I turn around and gasp. "God Max you scared me" I laugh.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you darling" the way he said this made me uncomfortable. I nodded and taking my coffee, I left for the seamstresses' room.

My mind is still on Max. It felt creepy the way he was standing behind me, but I chucked it off. I explained about the design and they under it, but still to make sure I bought my work in the sewing room itself.

The first dress was a ready in next 3 hours. Detailing was left but the main part was stitched. I called the team to check. Almost everyone liked it, but some told to add particular changes. I was drawing while they explained and it turned out good, and it made the dress look more gorgeous. The seamstress also understood and they started working on it. Eva and Jules stayed back with me.

"Let's go out for drinks today" Jules suggested

"Yess. Arohi you have to come with us this time"

"You know I can't leave the kids. They are getting very naughty these days. Always doing some or the other nuisance" they both laughed.

"They are toddlers, obviously they will be little devils" Jules stated the matter of fact.

"Yeah. Just stay a day with them, then you will know" I roll my eyes.

"C'mon let's go Arohi. Please please" they both persuaded me.

"Next time guys" I check my watch "I need to go now, I have to pick them from daycare"  they both nodded.

I took my belongings and left for the daycare. It is not too far, just in a walking distance. When I reached there, the kids were yet to be dispersed. I talked with some of the moms. They are nice but there British people are very formal. But yeah they are nice to me and kids thats what matters to me.

The kids came out running and I searched for my troublemakers. I spot them but why do they look so gloomy?

"Hey babies" I chirped and crouched to their level. "Ayee what happened why so gloomy gloomy"

"Nothng mumma" Abhir replied in a low voice.

"Hmm so secrets from your mother huh" they looked up and shook their heads and pouted "Okay so how about ice cream party?"

Usually they get excited and start grinning at the name of ice cream, but today their response is the opposite. My eyes water looking at them like this. I can't see my babies like this. They are always jolly and a bundle of joy. There is a reason for their sadness and I need to find it out.

We walk towards the ice cream parlor. I order double scoops for them and give them their cones. "What happened bacha. Is there something? You know you can tell mumma right"

After a long pause Abhira said "Mumma"

"Yes baby"

"Whele is dad?" My body stiffened at her question. Why is she asking about her father. They never questioned it then why today? (Where is dad?)

I gulp "Why are you asking this Abhira?"

"A big grl buied Ru sying we dnt hve dad" Abhir replied, his voice barely above whisper. (A big girl bullied Ru saying that we don't have dad)

"Who was she Abhira, tell me bacha" when they both didn't say anything I controlled my tears and crouch to their level "Bacha your father, he umm.. he lives far away from us that's why he can't stay with us. But..." I gulp and smiled "He loves you both a lot. He also wants to live with us but his business is in another city. He can't leave it and come to us"

"Can we go nd meet him" Abhir asked with lots of hope inn his eyes.

"We will meet him someday when he will be free hmm. Now don't get sad. And Ru next time if anyone bullies you tell to the teacher" they both nodded.

"So now .." I tickle them and they both laugh and giggle. I love them like this. Lively and always jolly.

Whosoever troubled my babies, I will take strict actions against them. No one can raise a single finger on my kids. Just because their father isn't around doesn't mean anyone will make fun of them.

We leave the shop and start walking. Abhir and Abhira start with their talks of the day. What the teacher taught them and what games they played and so on. I can never get tired of their talks.

I stop mon my track when I felt a known presence around me. As if he is near me. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. But this feeling is strong. Very strong.

Goosebumps erupt on my body when I see a familiar face. As I blink he is not there anymore. Was it a hallucination or is he really here.

"Wht hppnd mumma" the kids ask breaking my trans. I smile and shake my head even though my whole body is shaking right now. (What happened mumma)

We continue walking and reach the apartment. I go directly to the washroom and splash cold water on my face. My hands are shaking, tears are flowing from my eyes. It can't be him right? He can't be in London. If he is really here, does it mean his new family is also here. I don't want to face him.

No no no he is not here Aru. It was just my hallucinations. I was thinking about him since the kids asked. That's it. I think I saw him but it was not him.

Yes that person was not Abhishek Mehra. Not the father of my kids.

To be continued...

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