Looking at the man in front, Arohi only saw red. She thought of him as a friend, an acquaintance. She respected him a lot, only for him to show her his real face.
Abhishek's expression was neutral. But the fury was visible in his eyes. The bastard dared to hurt his kids and his wife, he was not going to leave him this easily.
All they both wanted was to strangle him to death for hurting their kids.
"You want to explain yourself?" His voice was like the calm before the thunder.
"I am in love with Arohi since the first time I saw her. The kids, they always ruined every moment between us. I despise them. They are a curse" them man spat venom.
"How dare you call my babies a curse" Arohi slapped him hard for him to fall on the ground. "Kids are the biggest blessings in one's life, but you won't understand because you too pathetic to be even human"
"My feelings for you are pure Arohi. Trust me I will cherish you unlike this man. Give us a chance sweetheart" he tried to touch her but a hard punch landed on his face.
"Don't you dare touch my wife or my kids. Touch them and I will give you the worst death"
"Wife my foot. Where were you all these years huh. I was the one who supported your said wife and kids" he scoffed.
Abhishek didn't have anything to say. He was right. He was not there when his wife and kids needed him. Worst he didn't even know about his kids. But... no buts work. He failed both as a father and a husband.
Years ago he couldn't protect his wife from the Malvika, and today he couldn't protect his kids from this bastard.
"No words to say Mehra?" He smirk but it vanished when a rod hit his abdomen with such a force, blood spur put of his mouth.
Arohi stood there with the metal rod. Her face red, breathing ragged, and she looked nothing less than Goddess Kali.
The guards moved away giving her the space. She hit him again and again until he could lose his consciousness. Everyone present there gulped looking at her.
"He wasn't there, but you were. You saw my struggle and love for the kids, yet you hurt them. You are the worst man of human species. You trued to hurt two innocent souls. May you will rot in hell William"
Yes William Brown, Arohi's boss. He is the one who kidnapped the kids with the help of Max. He fell in love with her when she came for the internship at his company. Not wanting to loose her, he gave her a job offer which she couldn't deny.
He loved the kids when he first met them. But that turned into hatred, because whenever he used to go close to her, they two interrupted. Arohi's sole focus was always on the kids to understand his intentions.
It was all okay but when he saw Arohi with Abhishek in his cabin, he lost his shit. He was smart enough to join the dots when Abhishek called her MRS. MEHRA. He was raging with fury the whole time but he had to keep it in check. He threatened Max before the event and he went along with the plan after it.
"How could you two hurt those innocent souls huh?" Her question was directing at both William and Max.
"I am sorry Arohi. I never wanted to hurt you or the kids, but he blackmailed me. He threatened to hurt Charlotte if I didn't help him" Max looked down with guilt.
All he wanted was to protect his sister. She is his only family, after loosing their parents in tsunami. Yes he liked Arohi, and hated when he saw her in Abhishek's arms, but he couldn't do anything. First William would never let him have her, second he would hurt his sister. So he obliged and kidnapped the kids.
"Where are our babies" Abhishek asked. When he didn't reply, he moved to Max with a gun "Where are they?"
"In... at his warehouse outside the city" he sputtered.
"Let Max go, but torture this bastard until he begs for death" Arohi looked much more danger than Abhishek. "And you Max, take us to where the kids are"
"Trust me if I see anything as a scratch on the kids, I am going to make your whole bloodline pay for it Brown" Abhishek pulled the trigger, aiming at his leg making him groan in pain. Arohi gave him a death glare before leaving.
They moved to the car, Max was aimed the gun by Arohi. She is not going to take any risk now.
After 40 minutes of drive they reached the warehouse. Max entered the passcode, and Abhishek Arohi ran inside.
The kids were sitting on the floor weeping silently hugging each other. It was dark and Abhira was afraid of it. Abhir hugged her to give her a sense of security.
When the kids got their consciousness back, they saw it was all dark. They cried and called for their mumma but no one came except a guard. He shouted loudly at the poor kids making them cry more. They both were afraid of him and didn't utter a single word after that.
The lights turned on and they both looked up to see their parents. Their heart wrenched looking at the sight of their kids.
They both got up and ran into the arms of their mumma papa. They both crouched down, Abhir hugged Arohi and Abhira hugged Abhishek. Abhishek pulled Arohi closer and they had a family hug.
They all sighed in relief. The kids were safe, nothing happened to them. Abhishek kissed forehead of his world, a silent promise to make that bastard suffer.
"Are you both hurt? Did he hurt you?" Arohi asked checking for injuries.
"No mumma" they both said in unison but it died as they both went limp in their arms.
They panicked seeing the kids unconscious. Without wasting any time they rushed to the nearest hospital.
All the negative thoughts crossed their mind on the way. What of something happened to the kids? Arohi won't be able to survive without them. Abhishek just got his kids, he can't lose them just after having them.
They reached the hospital and took Abhishek informed the doctor about the situation and they took three kids into the emergency room.
They asked for any past medical records and Arohi told them everything needed. They gave them the form to fill and they did with shivering hands.
"Nothing will happen to them right?" Arohi's voice broke
"Shh no nothing will happen. God won't let anything happen to them" he hugged her.
He was also scared, but he needs to be strong for his family. His wife and kids need him the most now. He lost them once, he won't lose them again.
Arohi prayed to the almighty while Abhishek consoled her. His mind a blur and self loathing surrounded his mind. His kids are in the ER their life in danger, his wife is praying for them. His family is broken.
He blames it all on himself. Had he not come nothing would have happened. They are better off without him, he thought.
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