Sun rays hit, cut that slap my face, forcing me to wake up. Urghhhh why do these mornings come? Moreover why are nights so short? I don't want to wake up. I just want to sleep and be in my dreamland. crying in corner
Wait! What day is it? I get up at the speed of light and check the date. Shit shit shit! I have my last exam today and it is already 7:15. No no no I can't be late. I run directly into the washroom and get ready. How can I sleep this much urghhh. Getting ready into my outfit and taking my stuff, I run to the college. Breakfast gaya bhaad mein. I check the time and it's 7:45.
I guess the stars are in my favor today, when I reached the bus stop I got the bus immediately. And by 8 I am at college entrance. I am panting by the time I reach my class and everyone is looking at me like I am an alien.
"Saanu here drink this" Yash passes me bottle and I gulp it in one go.
We settled on our seats and the exam started. And you know what the best part is? I know all the answers. It's like whenever I read the question the whole answer is in front of my eyes.
After 3 hours of exam, I leave the classroom with a smile on my face. Urgh I am hungry now. I go to my friends who look sad and happy at the same time
"Saanu how was your exam?" Tara asked in a dead serious tone
"It was good. What about you guys?"
"Hufff ours went well, we were worried about you cutie" Mayank replied with a wink making me giggle.
"Guys I am hungry let's go and eat something" they nodded and we went to the canteen. We placed our order and settled on our usual spot.
"Guys what are your plans for the vacation?" Tara asked
"We are going on a trip" Mayank said
"Join us Tara and Saanvi" Yash said
"Urghh you know there is a function at my home. Anyways what about you Saanvi"
"I am applying for internship"
"You are not going to your home this vacation as well?" Yash asked with a concerned tone.
"Nope" our order also arrived and I dug into the food to avoid the questions they are going tot ask me.
Home. A place where all family members live together with love and care. But do I have a home? Nahh. For me that place is just a house. I never had a home. Because the people who make 'home' make me realize that I am just an extra person between them. It's always how Amika, Divya, Arjun are better than me. Haye the per-fucking-fect trio of Mehta's!
People say when we don't get love at our house, we try to find it in other people. I also tried and let me tell you, I failed miserably. 4 breakups, and the last one hurt like a bitch. How unlucky I am right. Didn't get love of family nor from the outer world. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself that I exist.
So now I have a theory- "Don't give a fuck to anyone, including your own brain!"
"Saanvi are you ok?" Tara asked with a faint smile.
"I will be fine Tara" I replied with a sigh.
"You know what our exams ended today, let's go to Marine Drive what say?" Mayank said enthusiastically
"Let's go" I tried to match him and we all laughed.
Taking our belongings we left for Marine Drive in Yash's car. The ride was full of laughter and teasings. In the world of selfish people, I did find these three idiot best friends. I think I am not that unlucky.
We stepped down from the car and settled watching the view of the Arabian Sea. No matter what, this place does give me peace. It's like this place itself has some kind of positive aura which makes everyone forget things.
I take my phone out and fuckkkkk. There are 40 missed calls. I close my eyes and take a long breath to prepare myself for the lectureI am going to get. I call my mother and she picks up in 4 rings only, wow.
"Where were you and why were you not picking up our calls huh" and here we go
"Mom I had exam today and I was late"
"So why do we have a group. Can't you send one single message or is it too much for you"
"Mom can't you understand me once. I said I was late. As soon as I reached the exam started. How do you expect me to inform you huh" I shouted out of frustration
"Don't you dare raise your voice on mom Saanvi" sister dear replied from back. Doesn't she have work to do?
"Hm" I said with gritted teeth. My friends look at me and tell me to calm down
"Now where are you huh. Your exam must have ended an hour back, and you are calling us now" this sister of mine ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
"We were hungry so we came out"
"Always wasting money on these stupid food. Can't you make food yourself. For gods sake you are 21 Saanvi, learn how to save money"
"Stop scolding her Divya, Saanvi tell me when are you coming home?" God give me the strength for this now,
"I am not coming. I have applied for internship"
"Seriously Saanvi. What is this behavior huh. Every time you give the same reason. Whenever you have long vacation you stay there" mother dear shouted
"I am trying to gain as much experience as possible"
"Really. I don't remember doing all this when I was in college, neither did Arjun. Amika is the same age as yours yet she is not dying for this experience shit. So you better be here when everyone comes" what's with my sister today?
"Not everyone is like you and your beloved cousins, sister. My priorities are different and I don't have any intentions of coming there. Anyways why does it matter if I come or not to you huh. When you will as usual spend time with them only, leaving me alone to rot. So you have fun and LET. ME. LIVE. PEACEFULLY!" I disconnected the call. My body is shivering because of anger.
"Saanvii" Tara's voice bought me back to reality.
Mayank put his handkerchief on my nose. I checked it and again blood. I take the handkerchief and wipe the blood. I have this problem you know. When I should be crying, blood oozes from my nose. Call it trauma or whatever but I stopped crying when I was what, 4-5?
"Please calm down Saanvi you know it's not good for your health" Yash said and side hugged me. Mayank and Tara also joined
"I will be fine guys" I assured them
"Do you want to go to the hospital" Yash asked
"I want to go my apartment. Will you please drop me?" I asked with a smile
"Of course cutie. But before that ice cream partyyy" Mayank said with a grin. Obviously they feed me ice creams to calm me down and for the blood to stop.
We went to Naturals and had ice creams. Then they all dropped me to my apartment. I bid them goodbye and they all left. Not before telling me to take rest and eat properly, etc etc. I indeed am lucky to have them. Who understands me and my condition. Not like my school friends, who always made fun of me.
I go directly to my room, turn the AC at 16 and sleep off. I just want to escape reality and sleep is the best way. I wish if I could just sleep forever. You know what I mean right?
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