Happy Reading!

Nikhil's POV:

A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts. "Come in"

A moment later my cabin's door opens with my secretary, Zoya "Sir these are the list of the candidates who are selected for the internship program"

"When are they going to join?" I ask taking the file from her.

"From tomorrow" I nod

"Did you send all the necessary details to them. I want no mistakes this time" I eye her and she nods frantically.

The last time she forgot to send the important details about the joining. None of the inters wore proper outfit neither were prepared for the meeting we hold for them. These kids think that internships are just for fun and take it lightly and in a week or two they get fired from Verma Group.

Opening the file I go trough the list if the candidates and all their details. This time the number of inters are more than last year. There is always a background check on every person who steps their foot in this company, be it an employee or intern. I never take any risk with my people. My grandfather always taught us that the people who work here are members of our family and their safety is our responsibility.

I get back to work and then leave for home. When I enter and see bhabhi moving out in a rush.

"Everything ok bhabhi?"

"There's an emergency case. They called me" she replies with a sigh.

"Want me to drop you?"

"Nah you look tired already. Go get some rest, I will go by myself" I nod and open the door of her car.

I go to my room and take a shower to freshen my mind. I close my eyes and I see honey eyes that captivated me. I open my eyes and a groan leaves my mouth. I get into my sweatpants and shirt.

I was emptying the pockets of my blazer to give it for laundry, when I notice something stuck on the sleeves of my blazer. I pull it out and it's a small butterfly.

But how did it get stuck here? My mind goes back to the same honey eyes so sweet and captivating.


Sitting at the restaurant, I was waiting for the meeting to end. The man in front of me was doing nothing but bragging about how his company is better than anyone. My patience is hanging with a thin wire now.

My eyes dart out towards the bustling street of Mumbai. The outside is chaotic with small stalls selling stuffs, people laughing and bargaining with the shopkeepers. I see children pestering their parents to buy them things or get them their favorite food.

A wave of longing hits me, I remember going out either my parents and doing the same. My father would shake his head and my mother would laugh at my antics. They would act tough in the starting and when I give up my hope, they would buy me the things making me the happiest.

My eyes glisten remembering those days, it's been 16 years I lost them. The most precious bond of my life. I was just 14 waiting for my parents and my maternal family to return from the trip. Me Bhai and dadu, we were all excited and were planning their welcome. But it all crushed down when the call came informing that the plane......

I take a deep breath and stand up startling the man in front. I don't give a glance at him and move outside to get some much needed air. It felt like there was no oxygen inside. I move towards the garden to calm my mind.

I never think about my parents because it always makes me lose my feel empty. Either I would drown in sorrow or do something really bad shit. Hence I avoid the topic of my parents. But there are moments like these when I miss them. I would give the world to see them one more time.

Suddenly someone bumps into me. My hands instinctively go around her waist to catch her from falling. Her hands reach to hold me for support. It happened suddenly taking me off guard.

I looked at the person's face. It is so angelic without any hint of makeup. With her eyes closed she looked like a scared kitten. She hold my arm as if she would die if she left it. Her lips are pouty and look very very much kissable. Her earrings and bangles make a sound that soothes my mind and heart.

She slowly opens her eyes and I swear I have never seen eyes this captivating. Her eyes are like a pool of honey. The flecks of light dancing within, cast a soft mesmerizing glow. There's a sweetness to her gaze, a warmth that envelops you like a comforting embrace, leaving you spellbound by the sheer beauty of her honey eyes.

I gulp hard and make stand carefully. She tucked strands of hairs behind her ears. Her hairs are naturally brown with a perfect hairstyle. She is wearing a simple brown kurti with a plazo, if that is what is called. The simple Indian attire makes her look more beautiful. Her eyes meet mine again but there is something akin to fury behind them.

"Can't you fucking look forward while walking huh?" She shouts but her voice is sweet yet firm.

I raise a brow at her, no matter how mesmerizing she looks, no one dares to speak that way with me. "I should be the sone saying this miss. Instead of looking around like kid you should focus in the front" I shove my hands in my pocket.

"Oh yeah?" She folds her hand again her chest and squint her eyes at me "It's you who was walking like a maniac who lost his shit and collided with me. Instead of saying sorry you are showing me this attitude"

My jaw tightens, how dare she talk to me in that tone. I march towards her "Don't you dare talk to me in that tone. You won't like the consequences girl" I warn her. She gulps but stands her ground firmly.

"Don't you dare try to threaten me mister. I am not the one who will remain silent in fear. I know how to answer back to jerks like you" her eyes spit fire my way and the feeling is mutual.

Before I could say anything to her, a small cry was heard. The girl turned around and her eyes which were spitting fire just a moment ago turned panicked. She ran towards a small girl who fell from the swing scratching her knees. Her cries got louder and she lunged into the girl.

"Shhh it's okay. Ayee see it's such a small scratch. You are a brave girl right so how can you cry at such a small thing" she coos the baby girl in a baby voice, which sounded tooo good for me.

She tickled the baby girl and she burst into laughter. Her eyes turned towards me and they squinted at me with pure rage. If not for the girl, she would have clawed my face for sure. Giving a last glance at her way, I move towards the parking and drove off to the office.

Flashback ends

I chuckle at the memory. The girl was really something. She was sweet like angle but fire like umm whatever.

I agree she was beautiful but that doesn't give away the fact that she was crude, impolite and disrespectful. I was the one who saved her ass from touching the floor, yet instead of saying thanks she bluntly told me how wrong I was. No one dares to speak anything against me, yet this girl...

I shake off my mind from that girl and focus on my work. Tomorrow new interns are joining and as a COO of the company, I have to explain them their work as some of the chosen candidates will be working right under me. I go through the work task sheet the team prepared for them.

I don't remember till when I worked, but as soon as my body touched the bed, I went into deep slumber. And those honey eyes made their way into my dream, more to my disdain.

To be continued...

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