Happy Reading!

Nikhil's POV:

As much as this girl is irritating, but can't deny the fact that she is talented.

I am looking at the document she made and trust me it way better than the ones drafted my employees made. It is short yet detailed.

I was astonished when she completed the task on the given time. I mean it is a difficult task to draft projects from past 2 decade in 4 hours.

I look around my cabin and it looks so much better. All my files are at the right place with proper markings, making it easy for me to find it.

She worked better than Zoya. Should I hire Saanvi as my secretary?

Wait what the hell I am thinking. No Nikhil that girl is just a nuisance. The work is just a fluke.

I shrug off and leave for home. I can't be late getting home because of some random girl. If bhabhi gets to know about this, she is going to have a fun time teasing me.

I turn the radio on and trust me, the ads are going well and songs are interrupting. I sigh and turn it off, as I almost reached home.

When I enter inside I am met with questioning gazes. Of course bhai told bhabhi what happened today at office.

"Stop looking at me like that" I roll my eyes at them.

I go to the dining table to drink some water. I hear curious footsteps making me sigh. I look up, why God whyyyy?

"So who's she Nikhil?" Bhabhi's tone itself is teasing


"Just employee?"

"Didn't look like that at the office" bhai smirks and I glare him.

What did I do to get a family like this?

"She's a nuisance. Jaha jati girti rehti hai. Uska naam na Saanvi nhi Miss. Falling hona chahiye" (where ever she goes, she trips. Her name shouldn't be Saanvi, it should be Miss. Falling)

"Ahem ahem. Nickname and all huh" ohhh God

"I never knew my brother would fall in love with the girl who fell in his arms" and they both burst out laughing.

"Not funny guys. She's a troublemaker and she is arrogant as fuck. She had the guts to mess with me. Now she will know what means to mess with Nikhil Verma"

"No matter how she is Nikhil. You can't deny the fact that she is very talented. Don't let your issues with her come between her internship. Do whatever you want but her internship and our project should not suffer. You are yourself going to train her so do it like an employer-intern not like enemies" bhai said in a dead serious tone.

"Saurabh is right Nikhil. Personal and professional lives should be seperate and you know this better than anyone. And about your love story let it bloom with time" she winks and I grimace.

"There is no love story guys. It's pure rivalry"

I turn to go to my room when I am pulled back from my both arms. "Btw how did you two meet" bhai whispers.

"Bhaiiiiiiiii" I leave and they both burst out laughing

God seriously what did I do to get a family like this? These two are having and will be having a great time at my misery.

I take a shower and with sorrow go down to have dinner with the show to continue.

The dinner was awful. Not because of the food but because of the teasings. Turns out bhai not only told bhabhi about today, but also yesterday's scene when Saanvi actually fell in my arms. Thank god they don't know about the garden.

I don't know how much trouble this girl is going to bring in my life and for how long.

After dinner I go directly to library to finish off some work. I am engrossed in my work when there is a knock on the door. A moment later the door opens revealing bhabhi with a cup in her hand.

"Tired" I nod and she smiles handing me the cup.

Did I tell you guys that bhabhi makes the best coffee?

"Hmm so what's troubling. Saanvi or work?"

"Work bhabhi" I chuckle.

"I saw her picture. She looks beautiful right" this time her tone is appreciating.

I recall her innocent face when I first met her. Her honey brown eyes which held so much innocence but anger was on the tip of her nose.

"Not more than you" I kiss her knuckles and she laughs.

"But you can't deny that she is a exceptional at her work"

"We'll I will have to agree with it" I scurnch my nose.

"It's okay to have people who disagree with you. I know you are not habitual with such people but she is one of those opposition you need to reach more hights"

"I know but she just managed to get on my nerves all the time"

"You just met her 2 days back" she laughs and I just chuckle

"She is a trouble in disguise I am telling you"

"Yeah a very beautiful disguise" she giggles and I shake my head.

"You should get back to your room. I can practically hear bhai blaming me for stealing his wife"

"Then get one for yourself. We won't mind Saanvi" she says and then leaves the room.

I smile and get back to my work. Maybe I should plan the task I will give Saanvi tomorrow.

Hmm I will give her such a problem this time that her super coding skills will fail this time and she will have to come to me for help. I smirk at this thought.

I start with the work and I just lost the count of time. It's past midnight now. Saanvi Mehta just wait and watch.

To be continued...

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